Meeting Munroe Page 9
“You’re always surrounded by people, though,” I pointed out.
“Sure, but ninety-nine percent don’t give a shit about me as a person. They care because I have money, and ninety-nine percent of people operate on greed.”
“He’s right,” Nate nodded, “Only reason people talk to me now is because they’ve seen me on T.V. Rarely do I make an actual connection with someone these days.”
The car pulled up to an elevator and Terry jumped out to open our doors, “Sir.”
“Thank you, Terry, for everything tonight,” I placed my hand on his and squeezed slightly.
He gave a showstopping grin before responding, “Anytime, Ms. Fox.”
The elevator from the garage opened directly into Tim’s apartment, which was freaking magnificent. The floors were marble, shining brightly under the L.E.D lighting. The entire outside wall was made of glass, the view of the city sitting beautifully below the fiftieth floor. A beautiful black grand piano was positioned in the corner of the sitting room, two large black leather couches surrounding it on either side. There wasn’t a TV, but with a house like this I wouldn’t be surprised if it raised out of the floor.
“This place is amazing,” I said, looking over at Nate. His eyes were as large as my own, searching the apartment and taking it all in.
“How long have you lived here, man?”
“Built to suite just last fall, actually.” Tim replied. “Are either of you hungry? Would you like something to drink?”
“I’m good, tired actually,” I replied, while walking to the couch and sitting down.
“Me too man, thanks though. Where can I crash?” Nate asked.
“I’ve got a spare room up the stairs and to the left. I’ll send Matilda up with some fresh sheets and towels.”
“Who’s Matilda?” I questioned.
“My maid. She lives here, if you ever need anything she’ll take care of you,” he stood, walking to a small phone that sat on one of the console tables. He picked it up, “Matilda, we’ve got guests. Please take fresh towels and sheets to the first guest room,” he paused, listening, “No, no food. That will be all.” He hung the phone up, turning back towards me.
Nate scurried up the large black staircase and disappeared into the large hallway while Tim grabbed my hand and led me down a hallway to the left of the stairs. At the end of the hall sat one large lonely white door, the door to his bedroom.
He stopped right before it, turning to me, “Are you ready?”
“For what?” I laughed.
“I’ve never brought a woman home,” he replied shyly.
“Seriously? Not even Lacy?”
“Not even Lacy. Welcome to my haven, Vanessa,” The door swung open revealing a large open room. The walls were glass allowing the same beautiful views from the living room to loom below us. The sky was black—piercing with diamond like stars. It was gorgeous. The room was white, even the large king-sized bed was covered in a white down blanket with more pillows than one needed. It looked like a large cloud, and I couldn’t wait to jump in.
“This room is out of a freaking fairytale!” I ran over, plopping gently down on the bed. “Why haven’t you brought women here?” Curiosity was getting the best of me. Why would a man refuse to bring women home? His mother wasn’t around… Crap, maybe it was his mother. “Is your mom going to pop out of the closet?”
The words made Tim double over with laughter, “Jesus, no. I haven’t lived at home since I was seventeen. No, my mother isn’t the reason,” he walked over to the bed and sat next to me, grabbing my hands, “I haven’t brought a woman here because this is my sanctuary. I’ve never met a woman that I wanted to share this with… Not until now.”
A swell of love rushed through my body, how did he always know what to say? “This doesn’t seem too fast to you?” I questioned.
“A little. But I’m willing to see where it goes,” he pulled my hand to his lips, kissing the back of it ever so gently.
My life wasn’t anywhere near perfect, but who’s life really was?
I felt a surge of hope. Timothy Munroe was allowing me into his life. Into every aspect of his life. It was up to me to allow it, to enjoy it.
And I had every intention to do so.
~~~~~~~~~~~THE END~~~~~~~~~~~
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